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Why go to art school?

I have two daughters, twins, who will be starting college at the same time late this summer. One is going to Guadalajara to begin her studies in international commerce, and one is going to art school in Philadelphia. As we have been hit hard by the recession, helping both them to bear the costs has generated lots of anxiety, especially considering the thunderheads that have piled high in the media over young people graduating with crushing college loan debts and dismal prospects of finding jobs. There is more than a suggestion out there that perhaps a college education is not a good investment, especially in something like art, and most especially in the fine arts, where a livelihood is far from easy to attain.

There isn't polite language to say how strongly I feel to the contrary. For those who have the ambition, talent, and resolve to work hard to learn, particularly to learn to think and act creatively, I believe that it is our duty as parents and as the shepherds of the generation to supercede ours - in other words, as a nation and as a world of civilized people, to do everything in our power to encourage and fund the pursuit of knowledge and its creative application. The idea that we would discourage these dreams and desires in our youth is far more frightening to me than the possibility of going broke helping them to follow those dreams, because those dreams, in ways we cannot know, will fuel their lives, and the future of an enlightened and hope filled human race.

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Reader Comments (1)

I agree wholeheartedly. Our son recently graduated with a BA in History. People were always asking, "What can he do with a history degree, besides teach?" That's not the point. The main thing he learned in college was to think for himself and form his own conclusions. In my opinion, that's the main mission of higher education. Once one learns to think for himself, instead of parroting whatever the current "party line" happens to be, the world becomes one great opportunity. And, the world needs artists and "dreamers", in general. They help keep us grounded in reality.

My father never had the advantages of a higher education. My grandfather took him out of school after the seventh grade because "I need you on the farm." He always encouraged me to get as much education as I could, without regard to worrying about how I could use it in my career. He never tried to steer me towards any one profession or trade. All he wanted was for me to be happy and secure in whatever line of work I chose. I've tried to encourage my children along the same lines. "Follow your heart, worry about money later."

I wish you and your children well. You're about to embark on a father's next great adventure.

June 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerry Carpenter

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