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All through the night until just a couple of hours before dawn, it rained. A steady, soaking in kind of rain. Then it cleared off, and the world is different. Because of water. Not that we're in a drought, but the trees and shrubs and flowers, the houses and sidewalks and streets feel freshened and radiant. Not a day to be under incandescent light. It's a morning to drink in life and to be grateful for it, a day to smile with wonder at the brightness of creation.Hydrangea after the rain.

detail, Derwent watercolor pencil and 2B graphite

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Reader Comments (1)

Man, I love these sketches. It is amazing to me how different my experience is when I'm looking at a detail as opposed to the whole drawing. It's pretty cool to see the world through an artist's eye like this.

July 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNeill Roan

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