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Starting out

Putting up a new website is, for a perfectionist like me, like trying to ride a handmade Italian road racing bike with skinny tires up a steep and rocky mountain trail. It seems so daunting that it's nearly impossible to even get started. That's complicated by the fact that the subject matter is my own work. But, the realist inside says that it would be far worse to continue to let precious time pass, energy to drain away, and not even to embark. And I'm tired of being rigid with fear. So I'm starting off on foot here. I figure that I can always go back and get the bike once I get to know what the trail is really like.

To begin with, this is going to be a place where I can share what I want to as an artist and as a designer, along with the droplets or streams of thought that are connected to the work. I'm going to trust that the people I invite to see these bits will come because we share some common interests, and I can only hope that you will feel comfortable enough to offer your genuine reactions, approving or critical, and to leave evidence of those thoughts as comments.

I don't quite know where this is going. What I do know is that an artist and designer working in isolation gives very little to the world. So I'm looking to begin to contribute, to solicit an audience, and to share experiences and their visual product. To receive feedback, to grow, and to offer something that will somehow enrich the experience of those of you who visit and participate. We'll see where it leads.

 faded chair, saratoga springs; pastels on paper, 22" x 30" collection of Meredith Henry Geringer

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Reader Comments (2)

Scott, "rigid with fear" is really draining. So is surrounding "yourself with yourself". If this website helps you and those around you cope with those issues it will be a brilliant effort. Thanks for helping me be less afraid (in the past, and hopefully in the future). I will be following your work !!

July 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Dwyer

It's funny - What you describe is precisely why I started my Kentucky Fried Popcorn movie review website. It's totally unrelated to pipes (Well, largely), it can be stream of consciousness, and it gives me a place where I can be absolutely stupid at regular intervals, without having to constantly fret over the presentation and professionalism of my business website. It is a strange thing that, while I am doing more "work", it actually helps to make the work feel less like work when I have to work.

July 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTrever Talbert

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