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Party time in Rockefeller Center

I'm not much of a party animal. The prospect of standing in the middle of a crowd of people at an event designed for socializing and networking is more than way outside of my comfort zone; it hits my "get me outta here!" button, hard. But Grothouse Lumber, with whom I collaborated in the development of a series of work and dining tables for luxury kitchens last year, got me a ticket to House Beautiful magazine's "Kitchen of the Year" V.I.P. party last night, and since one of our pieces is featured in the design, I decided at the last minute to knot a bow tie around my neck and drive up to New York for the event.

It was 98 degrees fahrenheit with jungle humidity in midtown Manhattan, and I ducked into the MOMA Design Store, a couple of office building lobbies, and air conditioned bars to fend off sweat as I made my way  down sidewalks full of more sensibly clad (short and tank tops) people to Rockefeller Center. The kitchen pavilion is set up all this week right on the spot famously occupied by the giant Christmas tree during the holiday season, just behind the ice rink presided over by the wonderful gilt statue of Prometheus. With a little time on my hands before the gala began, I did my daily sketch from the promenade, just above eye level with Prometheus floating above the fountains. Behind him, inscribed along the top of the polished granite wall, are these words: "Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends." That relaxed me enough to get me calmly through meeting editors and publishers and the celebrity chef at the crowded reception. Well, that and a couple of the excellent iced blueberry mojitos at the party's open bar.

Prometheus above the ice rink at Rockefeller Center, New York City

the House Beautiful Kitchen of the Year party at Rockefeller Center

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