Most of the drawings that I've posted on this blog were done from life, but sometimes I draw purely from my imagination. I mean, besides the drawing that I do when I'm designing furniture. This one happened one evening around this time of the year several years ago, when my children were still in elementary school, and when they still thought it was fun to sit around the coffee table in our living room doing drawings with their dad. I was really just doodling and not thinking about drawing anything in particular, but I had streamline era car grilles on the brain, as old cars were an obsession of mine. Somehow, a doodle of a 30s automobile grille started me thinking about spaceships, but at the same time memories of my childhood fascination with fireflies got triggered. These guys just kind of happened. I wish that I had the skill and software to translate them into full animations. It would be good for me to get back to this kind of fanciful play again. It is one of the many things that I am grateful to my children for.
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