Calendar bound
Just a brief post this evening. Tad Herr, my friend and long time collaborator in projects requiring graphic design - I mean real graphic design, is working with me to produce a calendar for pipe collectors and enthusiasts for 2012. We're using either twelve or sixteen of my drawings, depending on whether it ends up being a twelve or sixteen month calendar, combined with Tad's exquisitely ascetic layout and typography. For those readers who follow and attend the pipe shows, we anticipate having it ready for the upcoming CORPS Exposition in Richmond this October. We selected a group of drawings today, and decided that I should do a couple more.
This little study will likely make the cut. And SHIT!! I mean WHOOPSIES! I just realized that I wrote "Barlings" on the drawing and that little billiard sticking out of the bag is an old BBB. I always get them confused. Too late for the original, because if I erase, the erasure marks will show. I was about to say maybe I'll have Tad photoshop it out, but maybe it can just be a little secret that only the readers of this blog will know about. But back to the calendar, Tad and I are excited to be putting this together. We've enjoyed a creatively rewarding fourteen years of working together on projects for the luxury kitchen design world, and it's great fun to be doing something in a new venue. I've wanted to do a calendar for years. We don't know what the selling price will be yet, but we want to make it as accessible as a finely produced piece can be. I think you'll like it.